Alice Is Wonderland
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Child Online Protection Act Overturned
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 09:07 — Blake
A federal appeals court struck down as unconstitutional a Clinton-era law that would have forced websites with adult material to verify visitors' ages, dealing another blow to the government in a 10-year court battle over net censorship.
The 3rd U.S. Circurt Court of Appeals upheld on Tuesday a 2007 lower-court decision that the Child Online Protection Act violated the First Amendment since it was not the most effective way to keep children from visiting adult websites.
This Cuban library lends DVDs about state torture
A government critic's collection includes Bibles, books by Cuban defectors, and positive biographies about Fidel Castro. THE ERNEST HEMINGWAY LIBRARY: That’s what Carlos Serpa, a government critic, calls his home library in Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. His collection includes Bibles, books by Cuban defectors, and positive biographies about Fidel Castro and “Che” Guevara.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
They Used -What- as a Bookmark? by birdie
Always good as a conversation starter...the things people leave in books that are not traditional bookmarks. Thousands of dollars, a Christmas card signed by Frank Baum, a Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card, a marriage certificate from 1879, a baby’s tooth, a diamond ring and a handwritten poem by Irish writer Katharine Tynan Hickson are just some of the stranger objects discovered by booksellers. And then there's the strip of bacon.
Abebooks has a listing of these items...some mundane, some bizarre, some deeply personal. What have you found?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Guide of the Week: Federal Budget Process
There are few things more complicated than the US federal budget process. This week's guide:
U.S. Government Documents: The Budget Process (Jerry Breeze, Columbia University, 1999) Last Updated sometime in 2008
Can help you untangle the fiscal knots that is the United States Budget. This selective guide points to information about the current budget, including state by state budget impacts as well as historical data and background materials.
This guide also has a federal budget calendar which can help you see when different budget publications becomes available. Finally, Jerry provides a section on News and Commentary which draws from non-governmental sources.
The next time you are faced with a concerned citizen or a student writing about an aspect of the US budget, point them to this guide. Then see what else is available from the Handout Exchange. Don't see the subject you're looking for? If you're a documents librarian why not research the subject yourself, put a guide together and link that to the Exchange? Or build a guide on the Exchange wiki itself?
Keep Up With Technology, Keep Up With Teens
Since 2002, there has been a 15 percent increase in circulation and a 40 percent increase in visits, so reports the Conshocton Tribune(Central Ohio).
Young adult librarian RoseMary Honnold explains: "That grew out of a meeting I had with a tech club that I specifically put together to see what teens would be interested in. They asked for free Internet time and we talked about gaming. We acquired funds from various sources and add equipment as we go." Currently the library has a Nintendo Wii, a Playstation 2, the game Rock Band for the PS2, ten laptops and laptop games. Games can be projected on a movie screen through the use of a projector.
"I just come down to have fun. I check my MySpace, I play Rock Band, I hang out with my friends," said Justine Givens, 16. "It's a great place for teens to hang out."
$1 Million to study video games
by effinglibrarian
School of Information Awarded $1.2 Million from IMLS for The Study of Digital Librarianship, Video Game Industry
"The School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin has received $1.2 million from the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences (IMLS) to prepare students for librarianship in a digital world..."
Aren't library schools supposed to prepare students for librarianship in whatever world exists at the time? So up to the point of awarding this grant, library schools have only been preparing students for librarianship in the Bronze age world? the Stone world? the strange World of Sid and Marty Krofft?
"The project will focus on providing doctoral students with a deep understanding of digital librarianship..." Oh, they have money for the new nerds. Nerd 2.0.
"Assistant Professor Megan Winget was awarded $255,040 to advance her research in the video game industry's methods, behaviors and attitudes for the purpose of building more meaningful models of collection and preservation of complex, community-built digital creations."
Preservation of video games? Yeah, they're called Ziploc bags. I think the one-gallon size will hold a Sony PlayStation. Buy some kitchen garbage bags for a PS3. For $250,000, you should be able to stock up.
Why are they studying the video game industry for preservation? The industry's view has never supported backwards compatibility, hence no preservation, only disposal and the purchase of new hardware. The only preservation in the gaming world is done by individuals and fans of video games.
The story says that part of the grant is to educate professors on archival storage, which I guess means to teach them to not touch the contacts on the Atari 2600 game cart. I can see these archivists discussing the best way to bag that Intellivision console, whether the controllers should be bagged individually or in pairs, and in what temperature to store it all for future generations. I wonder if they know about the landfill piled high with ET: the Extra-Terrestrial Atari 2600 carts.
Tell them to call me if they want a box of Atari ST or 3DO games. Yeah, 3DO; I even owned stock in the company. Yeah, I'm a dope.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Library confrontation points up privacy dilemma

Library Director Amy Grasmick sits in the Kimball Public Library's children's room where public access...
RANDOLPH, Vt. - Children's librarian Judith Flint was getting ready for the monthly book discussion group for 8- and 9-year-olds on "Love That Dog" when police showed up.
They weren't kidding around: Five state police detectives wanted to seize Kimball Public Library's public access computers as they frantically searched for a 12-year-old girl, acting on a tip that she sometimes used the terminals.
Flint demanded a search warrant, touching off a confrontation that pitted the privacy rights of library patrons against the rights of police on official business.
"It's one of the most difficult situations a library can face," said Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy director of intellectual freedom issues for the American Library Association.
Investigators did obtain a warrant about eight hours later, but the June 26 standoff in the 105-year-old, red brick library on Main Street frustrated police and had fellow librarians cheering Flint.
"What I observed when I came in were a bunch of very tall men encircling a very small woman," said the library's director, Amy Grasmick, who held fast to the need for a warrant after coming to the rescue of the 4-foot-10 Flint.
Library records and patron privacy have been hot topics since the passage of the U.S. Patriot Act after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Library advocates have accused the government of using the anti-terrorism law to find out — without proper judicial oversight or after-the-fact reviews — what people research in libraries.
But the investigation of Brooke Bennett's disappearance wasn't a Patriot Act case.
"We had to balance out the fact that we had information that we thought was true that Brooke Bennett used those computers to communicate on her MySpace account," said Col. James Baker, director of the Vermont State Police. "We had to balance that out with protecting the civil liberties of everybody else, and this was not an easy decision to make."
Brooke, from Braintree, vanished the day before the June 26 confrontation in the children's section of the tiny library. Investigators went to the library chasing a lead that she had used the computers there to arrange a rendezvous.
Brooke was found dead July 2. An uncle, convicted sex offender Michael Jacques, has since been charged with kidnapping her. Authorities say Jacques had gotten into her MySpace account and altered postings to make investigators believe she had run off with someone she met online.
Flint was firm in her confrontation with the police.
"The lead detective said to me that they need to take the public computers and I said `OK, show me your warrant and that will be that,'" said Flint, 56. "He did say he didn't need any paper. I said `You do.' He said `I'm just trying to save a 12-year-old girl,' and I told him `Show me the paper.'"
Cybersecurity expert Fred H. Cate, a law professor at Indiana University, said the librarians acted appropriately.
"If you've told all your patrons `We won't hand over your records unless we're ordered to by a court,' and then you turn them over voluntarily, you're liable for anything that goes wrong," he said.
A new Vermont law that requires libraries to demand court orders in such situations took effect July 1, but it wasn't in place that June day. The library's policy was to require one.
The librarians did agree to shut down the computers so no one could tamper with them, which had been a concern to police.
Once in police hands, how broadly could police dig into the computer hard drives without violating the privacy of other library patrons?
Baker wouldn't discuss what information was gleaned from the computers or what state police did with information about other people, except to say the scope of the warrant was restricted to the missing girl investigation.
"The idea that they took all the computers, it's like data mining," said Caldwell-Stone. "Now, all of a sudden, since you used that computer, your information is exposed to law enforcement and can be used in ways that (it) wasn't intended.'"
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Art Garfunkel's Favorite Books
[Thanks to Anonymous for this post]
Since the 1960's, Art Garfunkel has been a voracious reader. Since 1968, Mr. Garfunkel has been keeping a list of every book he has read.(Index of Books). We also present the following list of books which have been designated by Mr. Garfunkel as his favorites. The books are indexed here in the order in which they were read.
1. | Jun 1968 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | The Confessions | 1781 | 606 pp. |
2. | Jun 1968 | Erich Fromm | The Art of Loving | 1956 | 146 pp. |
3. | Oct 1968 | P.D. Ouspensky | In Search of the Miraculous | 1949 | 389 pp. |
4. | Feb 1969 | L.N. Tolstoy | War and Peace | 1869 | 1444 pp. |
5. | May 1969 | Philip Roth | Portnoy's Complaint | 1969 | 274 pp. |
6. | Sep 1969 | Emily Brontë | Wuthering Heights | 1847 | 320 pp. |
7. | Jan 1970 | Johann Wolfgang Goethe | The Sorrows of Young Werther | 1774 | 199 pp. |
8. | Mar 1970 | Garrett Mattingly | The Armada | 1959 | 402 pp. |
9. | Mar 1971 | Bill Moyers | Listening to America | 1971 | 342 pp. |
10. | Jul 1971 | Charlotte Brontë | Jane Eyre | 1947 | 477 pp. |
11. | Jan 1972 | L. N. Tolstoy | Anna Karenina | 1873 | 852 pp. |
12. | Mar 1972 | Albert Schweitzer | J.S. Bach, Vol. 1 | 1911 | 428 pp. |
13. | Oct 1973 | Jane Austen | Pride and Prejudice | 1797 | 430 pp. |
14. | Oct 1974 | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | 1892 | 248 pp. |
15. | Feb 1975 | Robert A. Caro | The Power Broker | 1974 | 1162 pp. |
16. | Jun 1975 | Henry James | Portrait of a Lady | 1881 | 545 pp. |
17. | Dec 1976 | John S. Shelton | Geology Illustrated | 1966 | 424 pp. |
18. | Jan 1977 | Saul Bellow | Humboldt's Gift | 1973 | 472 pp. |
19. | May 1977 | C.G. Jung | Modern Man in Search of a Soul | 1933 | 244 pp. |
20. | May 1977 | Charles Chaplin | My Autobiography | 1964 | 497 pp. |
21. | Sep 1977 | Stephen King | The Shining | 1977 | 447 pp. |
22. | Jul 1977 | Bulfinch | Mythology | 1855 | 236 pp. |
23. | Apr 1978 | Charles Darwin | The Origin of Species | 1859 | 460 pp. |
24. | Apr 1978 | Robert M. Persig | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance | 1974 | 406 pp. |
25. | May 1978 | Erik Erikson | Childhood and Society | 1950 | 424 pp. |
26. | May 1978 | Marcel Proust | Swann's Way | 1928 | 325 pp. |
27. | Jul 1978 | Plato | The Last Days of Socrates Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, Phaedo | 390 b.c. | 199 pp. |
28. | Aug 1978 | Fydor Dostoevsky | The Idiot | | 642 pp. |
29. | Sep 1978 | Robertson Davies | Fifth Business | 1970 | 268 pp. |
30. | Dec 1978 | Jack Kerouac | On the Road | 1955 | 310 pp. |
31. | Aug 1979 | Jean Rhys | Good Morning, Midnight | 1974 | 190 pp. |
32. | Sep 1979 | Richard Price | Ladies' Man | 1978 | 264 pp. |
33. | Sep 1979 | Jean Rhys | Voyage in the Dark | 1934 | 159 pp. |
34. | Nov 1979 | Thomas Hardy | Jude the Obscure | 1896 | 164 pp. |
35. | De 1979 | Jonathan Swift | Gulliver's Travels | 1726 | 360 pp. |
36. | Jan. 1980 | Isaac Bashevis Singer | The Slave | 1962 | 287 pp. |
37. | Sep 1980 | Jean Dorst | The Life of Birds, vol. 1 | 1971 | 341 pp. |
38. | Sep 1980 | Marcel Proust | Within a Budding Grove | 1920 | 386 pp. |
39. | Feb 1981 | Edward Gibbon | The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Abridged) | 1787 | 713 pp. |
40. | Feb 1981 | J. P. Donleavy | The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman | 1977 | 402 pp. |
41. | Mar 1981 | James Joyce | A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | 1916 | 253 pp. |
42. | Jun 1981 | Gary Zukav | The Dancing Wu Li Masters | 1979 | 332 pp. |
43. | Jul 1981 | David Halberstam | The Powers That Be | 1979 | 1027 pp. |
44. | Oct 1981 | Saint Augustine | Confessions | 398 a.d. | 347 pp. |
45. | Jan 1982 | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra | Don Quixote | 1604 | 940 pp. |
46. | Jan 1982 | Virginia Woolf | A Room of One's Own | 1929 | 118 pp. |
47. | Feb 1982 | Baldesar Castiglione | The Book of the Courtier | 1518 | 345 pp. |
48. | Mar 1982 | D.M. Thomas | The White Hotel | 1981 | 240 pp. |
49. | Apr 1982 | Leon Edel | Henry James - The Middle Years: 1882--1895 | 1962 | 389 pp. |
50. | Jun 1982 | Johan Huizinga | The Waning of the Middle Ages | 1919 | 335 pp. |
51. | Jun 1982 | Honoré de Balzac | The Black Sheep | 1842 | 339 pp. |
52. | Oct 1982 | Robert G. Weisbord | Ebony Kinship | 1973 | 220 pp. |
53. | Feb 1983 | William James | The Varieties of Religious Experience | 1902 | 500 pp. |
54. | Mar 1983 | Thornton Wilder | The Bridge of San Luis Rey | 1927 | 124 pp. |
55. | Jun 1983 | Emil Ludwig | Napoleon | 1926 | 682 pp. |
56. | Aug 1983 | Henry David Thoreau | Walden | 1854 | 247 pp. |
57. | Aug 1983 | Peter Gay | The Enlightenment (The Rise of Modern Paganism) | 1966 | 419 pp. |
58. | Sep 1983 | W. Somerset Maugham | The Razor's Edge | 1944 | 314 pp. |
59. | Sep 1983 | Vladimir Nabokov | Lectures on Literature | 1980 | 382 pp. |
60. | Jan. 1984 | James Joyce | Ulysses | 1921 | 783 pp. |
61. | Mar 1984 | J.D. Salinger | Nine Stories | 1953 | 198 pp. |
62. | Ap. 1984 | Thomas Mann | The Confessions of Felix Krull Confidence Man (The Early Years) | 1955 | 378 pp. |
63. | May 1984 | L.N. Tolstoy | What is Art? | 1896 | 191 pp. |
64. | Oct 1984 | Iris Murdoch | A Severed Head | 1961 | 205 pp. |
65. | Jan 1985 | William M. Thackeray | Vanity Fair | 1847 | 636 pp. |
66. | Feb 1985 | Thornton Wilder | The Ides of March | 1948 | 204 pp. |
67. | Mar 1985 | Constantin Stanislavski | An Actor Prepares | 1936 | 295 pp. |
68. | May 1985 | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Uncle Tom's Cabin | 1852 | 590 pp. |
69. | Jun 1985 | Lucretius | On the Nature of the Universe | c. 54 bc. | 256 pp. |
70. | Jul 1985 | Marcel Proust | The Guermantes Way | 1925 | 425 pp. |
71. | Aug 1985 | Lao Tsu | Tao Te Ching | 6 Cent. bc. | 81 pp. |
72. | Sep 1985 | L.N. Tolstoy | Confession | 1879 | 93 pp. |
73. | Oct 1985 | Richard Ellmann | James Joyce | 1959 | 744 pp. |
74. | Oct 1985 | Herodotus | The Histories | 446 bc. | 624 pp. |
75. | Nov 1985 | Edith Wharton | The House of Mirth | 1905 | 329 pp. |
76. | Jan 1986 | Virgil | The Aeneid | 30-19bc. | 336 pp. |
77. | Ap. 1986 | Julian Jaynes | The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind | 1976 | 446 pp. |
78. | Sep 1986 | William Kennedy | Ironweed | 1983 | 227 pp. |
79. | Nov 1986 | Vladimir Nabokov | The Enchanter | 1939 | 95 pp. |
80. | Dec 1986 | Harold C. Schonberg | The Lives of the Great Composers | 1970 | 627 pp. |
81. | Dec 1986 | David A. Stockman | The Triumph of Politics | 1986 | 411 pp. |
82. | Jan 1987 | Thomas Hobbes | Leviathan | 1651 | 729 pp. |
83. | May 1987 | Carrie Fisher | Postcards from the Edge | 1987 | 218 pp. |
84. | Jun 1987 | Marcel Proust | Cities of the Plain | 1913 | 378 pp. |
85. | Oct 1987 | Rudyard Kipling | Just So Stories | 1902 | 158 pp. |
86. | Oct 1987 | Peter Ladefoged | Elements of Acoustic Phonetics | 1962 | 108 pp. |
87. | Nov 1987 | Mark Twain | Life on the Mississippi | 1882 | 352 pp. |
88. | Feb 1988 | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Notes from the Underground | 1864 | 158 pp. |
89. | Apr 1988 | George Eliot | Middlemarch | 1872 | 908 pp. |
90. | Jun 1988 | Francis Parkman | The Oregon Trail | 1849 | 286 pp. |
91. | Jan 1989 | Charles Dickens | Bleak House | 1853 | 975 pp. |
92. | Mar 1989 | E.L. Doctorrow | Billy Bathgate | 1989 | 323 pp. |
93. | Jul 1989 | Brenda Maddox | Nora - The Real Life of Molly Bloom | 1988 | 381 pp. |
94. | Aug 1989 | Sanche de Gramont | Epitaph for Kings | 1969 | 428 pp. |
95. | Oct 1989 | Sigmund Freud | Civilization and Its Discontents | 1930 | 104 pp. |
96. | Jul 1990 | Mark Twain | Innocents Abroad | 1867 | 492 pp. |
97. | Jul 1990 | Sylvia Plath | The Bell Jar | 1963 | 216 pp. |
98. | Nov 1990 | Thomas Mann | The Magic Mountain | 1927 | 716 pp. |
99. | Nov 1990 | Fredric Dannen | Hit Men | 1990 | 327 pp. |
100. | Feb 1991 | Will and Ariel Durant | The Story of Civilization VIII: The Age of Louis XIV | 1963 | 74 pp. |
101. | Mar 1991 | Thomas L. Friedman | From Beirut to Jerusalem | 1989 | 525 pp. |
102. | Apr 1991 | Marcus Aurelius | The Meditations | 177 ad. | 129 pp. |
103. | May 1991 | Marcel Proust | The Captive | 1921 | 289 pp. |
104. | Au. 1991 | Oscar Hijuelos | The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love | 1989 | 407 pp. |
105. | Nov 1991 | John Updike | Rabbit, Run | 1960 | 249 pp. |
106. | Nov 1991 | William Styron | The Confessions of Nat Turner | 1966 | 429 pp. |
107. | Jan 1992 | H.G. Wells | A Short History of the World | 1922 | 357 pp. |
108. | Feb 1992 | Swami Prabhavananda | The Sermon on the Mount according to Vendanta | 1963 | 126 pp. |
109. | Apr 1992 | Nathaniel Hawthorne | The House of Seven Gables | 1851 | 245 pp. |
110. | Dec 1992 | Camille Paglia | Sex, Art and American Culture | 1992 | 287 pp. |
111. | Fe. 1993 | Hermann Hesse | Demian | 1919 | 179 pp. |
112. | May 1994 | Franz Kafka | The Trial | 1920 | 256 pp. |
113. | May 1994 | Daneil Defoe | A Journal of the Plague Year | 1725 | 256 pp. |
114. | May 1994 | Jean Rhys | After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie | 1931 | 191 pp. |
115. | Aug 1994 | Henry Kissinger | Diplomacy | 1994 | 835 pp. |
116. | Dec 1994 | Gustav Janouch | Conversations with Kafka | 1923 | 201 pp. |
117. | Jan 1995 | Samuel Butler | The Way of All Flesh | 1903 | 444 pp. |
118. | Apr 1995 | Stendahl | The Red and the Black | 1830 | 574 pp. |
119. | Mar 1996 | Robert D. Kaplan | Balkan Ghosts | 1993 | 300 pp. |
120 | Ma. 1996 | Gustave Flaubert | Flaubert in Egypt | 1850 | 222 pp. |
121. | Jun 1997 | Charles and Mary Lamb | Tales from Shakespeare | 1807 | 313 pp. |
122. | Oct 1997 | Keith B. Richburg | Out of America | 1997 | 254 pp. |
123. | Dec 1997 | David Denby | Great Books | 1996 | 463 pp. |
124. | May 1998 | Patrick Süskind | Perfume | 1985 | 263 pp. |
125. | Au. 1998 | Ralph Ellison | Invisible Man | 1952 | 469 pp. |
126. | Nov 1998 | D.H. Lawrence | Sons and Lovers | 1913 | 484 pp. |
127. | Feb 1999 | Arthur Golden | Memoirs of a Geisha | 1997 | 428 pp. |
128. | Apr 1999 | Russell Banks | Cloudsplitter | 1998 | 758 pp. |
129. | Oct 1999 | Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson | Raising Cain | 1999 | 267 pp. |
130. | May 2000 | Zora Neale Hurston | Their Eyes Were Watching God | 1937 | |
131. | Aug 2000 | Jacques Barzun | From Dawn to Decadence | 2000 | |
132. | Nov 2000 | Jakob Walter | The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier | 1830 | |
133. | Mar 2002 | Elizabeth Gaskell | Wives and Daughters | 1866 | |
134. | Dec 2002 | Harold Nicolson | Good Behavior | 1955 | 285 pp. |
135. | Feb 2003 | Charles Bukowski | Post Office | 1971 | 196 pp. |