Sunday, August 28, 2005

Red Cloud Speaks by Estelle Roberts

I have worked with Red Cloud for nearly fifteen years, and during that time he has toiled unceasingly to demonstrate eternal spirit truth. He has never told us who he was on earth. When asked, he has always answered: "Know me by my works." We know that he passed this way before us, when he probably dwelt in Egypt. We believe, too, that he was either in this world, or very near to it, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth. Once or twice he has tantalized us into believing ourselves to be on the verge of discovering only to find the answer has again been denied us.

We know that his identity as a Red Indian is a cloak which is assumed in order to make receptive by us the very high vibrations that are naturally his because of his advanced spiritual attainment. He says he long ago reached the point in his evolution from which, had he gone on, there would have been no returning to this world. The choice was his - to go on, or to remain as a guide and teacher to mankind, bringing peace of mind and understanding of divine truths. He chose the latter course, explaining to us: "As your elder brother, which I am, your sorrows are my sorrows, your joys are my joys. When you fall back, I fall back with you. When you go forward, I go forward, too."

Always Red Cloud is loving and kind. I have never known him to condemn harshly any living person, though he will frequently gently point out our errors. He is ever ready to answer our questions, though not always as directly as some sitters could have wished. He is never dogmatic. In discussion and argument, he is tolerant, never laying down the law, and forever reminding his hearers that the final decision is theirs to make. God has given man a will of his own, he says, and man alone must exercise it.


As God dwells within each one of us, every individual is part of the Whole which is God. And because we are all part of the Infinite Spirit of God, we cannot die.

The gradual unfolding of the consciousness of the Mind of God within us is the process of evolution of our souls. In order to find God we must be "born again" into the realization that we are spiritual beings, and into the acceptance of our personal responsibility for every action we commit. Thus the extent of our evolution depends entirely upon ourselves. As we desire, so we shall receive.

The universe is ordered by divine law. If we follow this law, it will lead to perfect harmony; if we go against it, the result is chaos. The first law is that of love. Love is the ability to see only latent perfection in our fellowmen. Love is the attribute of the Divine mind, whereas fear stems from the material mind. Love and fear are the two incompatible opposites, the one forever striving to cast out the other.

Love is the complete negation of self; self-interest is the father of fear. The natural expression of love is service to others, not so much in the performance of great works as in doing that which lies nearest to hand.


"to understand love in its fullness, is to understand god in simplicity.'


"to know god is to love your fellowmen; to worship god is to serve them; to believe in god is to succour them; and to see god is to bring peace amongst nations."


Friday, August 26, 2005

The Nature of Personal Reality

Your feelings are as natural a part of the environment as trees are. They have a great effect upon the weather. There are even connections that can be made, for instance, between epilepsy and earthquakes, where the greater energy and instability come together, affecting the physical properties of the earth.

Session 664, Page 348


What are the long term effects of torture on the victim? The answers are easily obtained, from numerous reputable sources. Less readily understood by the average person is what the long term effects might be on the torturer.

In order to understand the terrible truths of that question, you first have to know what the torturer either already knows, or finds out very quickly. You have to know that torture is a poor method of interrogation. Were that not the case, our military would have taught those techniques in all their military police and intelligence units, everywhere on the globe. The only place they were taught by our military prior to this era was the infamous School of The Americas (in 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) in Fort Benning, GA., a special training facility for Latin American military personnel.

Every torturer finds out sooner or later what many behavioral researchers already know - torture is an unreliable form of interrogation, but it's an excellent form of terrorism. If law enforcement or military personnel used torture on an american citizen in the course of an interrogation, they'd not only lose their job, depending on the severity of the torture - particularly if of the types taught at the WHISC - they'd likely face criminal charges with special circumstances. Torture is one of the most serious crimes a citizen can commit in the US, and it carries heavy penalties.

How does someone inflict so much pain on numerous fellow human beings, without changing themselves forever? They don't. How do torturers cope with those changes? Some smile, nod, and remain calm at all times. They stop feeling anything at all. While they can take or leave their occupation, they don't tend to initiate it on their own - nor do they initiate any other messy activity unless strongly compelled to do so by an authority figure. Some spend their whole lives dead inside. Easily identified, they're the ones who nod and turn away when their spouses, children, and everyone in their lives leaves them. Those are the "safe" ones, they only destroy the ones they're ordered to destroy, themselves, and their families. They have standards and practices, gruesome as they may be, and will never cross certain pre-established lines.

Others remain dispassionate only as long as they're under orders. In familial situations where they're the authority figure (as parents), or perceive themselves to be (as spouse), they can become volatile and dangerous. They expect to be obeyed without question or hesitation, and can mete out punishments to family members (and others they feel are under their authority) that strongly resemble their "work habits".

The most dangerous are those who actively come to enjoy torturing unwilling victims.

America, I've got some really terrifying news for you. There are people in our country who ENJOY inflicting extreme pain and physical damage on innocent men, women, and oh God Help Us, yes, children. When I say "in our country" I mean they could be anywhere, but some are almost certainly in and around Fort Benning, GA ; Fort Hood, TX ; Arlington, VA ; San Diego, CA ; and Washington D.C.

People who live in the vicinity of those cities in particular need to watch out for their children. Don't assume that civilians are safe. The Fay/Jones Report lists 44 counts of abuse at Abu Ghraib. It includes head blows and other physical assault, sodomy, rape, stripping prisoners of their clothing, forcing detainees to masturbate and perform sex acts, the use of unmuzzled dogs and other atrocities. There were 44 tortures between July 03 and Feb 04. Interrogators from CACI International, Inc., of Arlington, VA, and translators from Titan Corporation, San Diego, CA, are connected to 16.

We need to find out who and where these torturers are. Some of them are human time bombs. Not everyone who tortures remains dispassionate or seeks help. Some develop a taste for it, and some specifically develop a fetish for torturing children. The annals of criminal psychology are abundantly clear on that point. Some of the torturers will torture one or more of us, and some of them will torture our children - unless we can identify them, and remove them from free society.

Why is this so imperative? Because unlike the twisted souls who suffer rampant sadism who are accustomed to sublimating their illness, into sex-play for pay and other quasi-acceptable pastimes, torturers of children, once so warped, tend to remain in the same mode. They don't hire a dominatrix or become sport hunters, they predate on children in the same manner in which they were taught and expected to carry out their "duty". Those who "overcome" the sickness on their own usually do so via suicide. Others seek out children, and torture them. In foreign military situations, killing the tortured children would be counterproductive to both the espoused goal of interrogation, as well as the actual goal of terrorizing a civilian populace. Here at home, a torturer will always know that after they're done, they can't let the victim live to identify them.

A last word on this, for now. If you're seeking medical or psychiatric treatment in those cities, well, go to another city. Doctors and psychiatrists employed in Iraq and at Gitmo were apparently involved in the torture. Let's face it - are these people you want anywhere near your mind or body?

What was it Donald Rumsfeld wrote? "Make sure this happens!!"

He made it happen, not just to the tortured, but also to vulnerable and impressionable young citizen-soldiers of our national guard, whom he has turned into torturers and made victims of his own inhuman barbarism.


US military in torture scandal
Use of private contractors in Iraqi jail interrogations highlighted by inquiry into abuse of prisoners by Julian Borger in Washington
Friday April 30, 2004 The Guardian

Prison Interrogation for Profit
Private contractors face legal action for crimes in Abu Ghraib
by David Phinney, Special to CorpWatchSeptember 15th, 2004

American soldiers brutalized Iraqis. How far up does the responsibility go?
Issue of 2004-05-10Posted 2004-04-30

Torture and Its Consequences
1-01-1995 by Hernán Reyes
Extract from TORTURE, Volume 5, Number 4, 72-76 p., 1995
An ICRC viewpoint

Based on [The Center for the Victims of Torture]'s experience with torture survivors and understanding the systems in which they have been abused, CVT believes it is important that discussions about the U.S. use of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment not be shaped by speculation but rather through an understanding of how torture is actually used in the world. There are eight broad lessons CVT has learned from working with torture survivors:

OLC's Aug. 1, 2002 Torture Memo ("the Bybee Memo")

A Consequentialist Argument against Torture
Interrogation of Terrorists
Jean Maria Arrigo, Ph.D.
Project on Ethics and Art in Testimony
Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics
January 30-31, 2003, Springfield, Virginia

The Torture Memo By Judge Jay S. Bybee
That Haunted Alberto Gonzales's Confirmation Hearings
Friday, Jan. 14, 2005

United States Code

Rumsfeld orders "MAKE SURE THIS HAPPENS ! !"

Abu Ghraib General Lambastes Bush Administration
By Marjorie Cohn

"When Karpinski inquired, "What's this about photographs?" the sergeant replied, "Ma'am, we've heard something about photographs, but I have no idea. Nobody has any details, and Ma'am, if anybody knows, nobody is talking." When Karpinski asked to see the log books, the sergeant told her that the Criminal Investigation Division had taken everything except for something on a pole outside the little office they were using. "It was a memorandum signed by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, authorizing a short list, maybe 6 or 8 techniques: use of dogs; stress positions; loud music; deprivation of food; keeping the lights on, those kinds of things," Karpinski said. "And then a handwritten message over to the side that appeared to be the same handwriting as the signature, and that signature was Secretary Rumsfeld's. And it said, 'Make sure this happens' with two exclamation points. And that was the only thing they had. Everything else had been confiscated."
posted by ICEKNIFE at 1:14 AM 0 comments

Saturday, August 20, 2005

A Treatise on White Magic by Alice Bailey

Introductory Remarks
Man's Three Aspects

Rule One

"The Solar Angel collects himself, scatters not his force but, in meditation deep, communicates with his reflection."

Some Basic Assumptions
The Way of the Disciple

Rule Two

"When the shadow hath responded, in meditation deep the work proceedeth. The lower light is thrown upward; the greater light illuminates the three, and the work of the four proceedeth."

The Hindrances to Occult Study
The Overcoming of the Hindrances

Rule Three

"The Energy circulates. The point of light, the product of the labors of the four, waxeth and growth. The myriads gather round its glowing warmth until its light recedes. Its fire grows dim. Then shall the second sound go forth."

Soul Light and Body Light
Principles and Personalities

Rule Four

"Sound, light, vibration, and the form blend and merge, and thus the work is one. It proceedeth under the law, and naught can hinder now the work from going forward. The man breathes deeply. He concentrates his forces, and drives the thought-form from him."

The Creative Work of Sound
The Science of the Breath

Rule Five

"Three things engage the Solar Angel before the sheath created passes downward; the condition of the waters, the safety of the one who thus creates, and steady contemplation. Thus are the heart, the throat, and eye, allied for triple service."

The Soul and its Thought-Forms
1. The Condition of the Waters
2. The Safety of the One who Thus Creates
3. Steady Contemplation
Heart, Throat and Eye
The Awakening of the Centers

Rule Six

"The devas of the lower four feel the force when the eye opens; they are driven forth and lose their master."

The Work of the Eye

Rule Seven

"The dual forces on the plane (whereon the vital power must be sought) are seen; the two paths face the solar Angel; the poles vibrate. A choice confronts the one who meditates."

The Battleground of the Astral Plane
The two Paths

Rule Eight

"The Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the magician guard himself from drowning, at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet there is the place for magic to be wrought."

Types of Astral Force
Cyclic Ebb and Flow

Rule Nine

"Condensation next ensues. The fire and waters meet, the form swells and grows. Let the magician set his form upon the proper path."

The Necessity for Purity
Fundamental Forms

Rule Ten

"As the waters bathe the form created, they are absorbed and used. The form increases in its strength; let the magician thus continue until the work suffices. Let the outer builders cease their labors then, and let the inner workers enter on their cycle."

Thought-Form Building
The Centers, Energies and Rays
Astral Energy and Fear
The Right Use of Energy
The Present Age and the Future
The Founding of the Hierarchy
The New Group of World Servers
Astrology and the Energies

Rule Eleven

"Three things the worker with the law must now accomplish. First, ascertain the formula which will confine the lives within the ensphering wall; next, pronounce the words which will tell them what to do and where to carry that which has been made; and finally, utter forth the mystic phrase which will save him from their work."

Analysis of the Tree Sentences
Salvation from our Thought-Forms
Salvation from Death

Rule Twelve

"The web pulsates. It contracts and expands. Let the magician seize the midway point and thus release those "prisoners of the planet" whose note is right and justly tuned to that which must be made."

Interludes and Cycles
The Prisoners of the Planet

Rule Thirteen

"The magician must recognize the four; note in his work the shade of violet they evidence, and thus construct the shadow. When this is so, the shadow clothes itself, and the four become the seven."

The Quaternaries to be Recognized
The Precipitation of Thought-Forms

Rule Fourteen

"The sound swells out. The hour of danger to the soul courageous draweth near. The waters have not hurt the white creator and naught could drown nor drench him. Danger from fire and flame menaces now, and dimly yet the rising smoke is seen. Let him again, after the cycle of peace, call on the Solar Angel."

The Centers and Prana
The Use of the Hands
The Treading of the Way
The Awakening of the Centers

Rule Fifteen

"The fires approach the shadow, yet burn it not. The fire sheath is completed. Let the magician chant the words that blend the fire and water."

The Esoteric Sense
The Negation of the Great Illusion
A Call to Service
The New Age Groups and Training


Nature of Personal Reality

"It (the ego) is the most physically oriented portion of your inner self; but it is not, however, apart from your inner self. It sits on the window sill, so to speak, between you and the exterior world. It can also look in both directions. "The

Session 616, Page 38

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The History of Spiritualism Vol I and Vol II by Arthur Conan Doyle








This work has grown from small disconnected chapters into a narrative which covers in a way the whole history of the Spiritualistic movement. This genesis needs some little explanation. I had written certain studies with no particular ulterior object save to gain myself, and to pass on to others, a clear view of what seemed to me to be important episodes in the modern spiritual development of the human race. These included the chapters on Swedenborg, on Irving, on A. J. Davis, on the Hydesville incident, on the history of the Fox sisters, on the Eddys and on the life of D. D. Home. These were all done before it was suggested to my mind that I had already gone some distance in doing a fuller history of the Spiritualistic movement than had hitherto seen the light-a history which would have the advantage of being written from the inside and with intimate personal knowledge of those factors which are characteristic of this modern development.

It is indeed curious that this movement, which many of us regard as the most important in the history of the world since the Christ episode, has never had a historian from those who were within it, and who had large personal experience of its development. Mr. Frank Podmore brought together a large number of the facts, and, by ignoring those which did not suit his purpose, endeavoured to suggest the worthlessness of most of the rest, especially the physical phenomena, which in his view were mainly the result of fraud. There is a history of Spiritualism by Mr. McCabe which turns everything to fraud, and which is itself a misnomer, since the public would buy a book with such a title under the impression that it was a serious record instead of a travesty. There is also a history by J. Arthur Hill which is written from a strictly psychic research point of view, and is far behind the real provable facts. Then we have "Modern American Spiritualism: A Twenty Years' Record," and "Nineteenth Century Miracles," by that great woman and splendid propagandist, Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten, but these deal only with phases, though they are exceedingly valuable. Finally-and best of all-there is "Man's Survival After Death," by the Rev. Charles L. Tweedale; but this is rather a very fine connected exposition of the truth of the cult than a deliberate consecutive history. There are general histories of mysticism, like those of Ennemoser and Howitt, but there is no clean-cut, comprehensive story of the successive developments of this world-wide movement. Just before going to press a book has appeared by Campbell-Holms which is a very useful compendium of psychic facts, as its title, "The Facts of Psychic Science and Philosophy," implies, but here again it cannot claim to be a connected history.

It was clear that such a work needed a great deal of research-far more than I in my crowded life could devote to it. It is true that my time was in any case dedicated to it, but the literature is vast, and there were many aspects of the movement which claimed my attention. Under these circumstances I claimed and obtained the loyal assistance of Mr. W. Leslie Curnow, whose knowledge of the subject and whose industry have proved to be invaluable. He has dug assiduously into that vast quarry; he has separated out the ore from the rubbish, and in every way he has been of the greatest assistance. I had originally expected no more than raw material, but he has occasionally given me the finished article, of which I have gladly availed myself, altering it only to the extent of getting my own personal point of view. I cannot admit too fully the loyal assistance which he has given me, and if I have not conjoined his name with my own upon the title-page it is for reasons which he understands and in which he acquiesces.


Vol I

Vol II

Seth Speaks

"The great religions of the world all had their births near the major coordination points. In such localities, changes are apt to appear rapidly, for ideas and emotions are propelled into physical actuality with great vigor. Ideas sweep like fire among the people. The psychic atmosphere is fertile. Creativity springs forth easily, and so such locations are not necessarily peaceful, although they would be the best ground in which peace could grow. Any ideas for good or bad become materialized with such strength, however, that the contradictory feelings of mankind are more apparent near coordination points."

Session 593, Page 378

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Case For and Against Psychical Belief by Carl Murchison


I am sorry not to be present in person at your gathering, for every enquiry into Psychic matters excites my deep sympathy and interest. I consider it to be infinitely the most important thing in the world, and the particular thing which the human race in its present state of development needs more than anything else. Nothing is secure until the religious basis is secure, and that spiritualistic movement with which I am proud to be associated is the first attempt ever made in modern times to support faith by actual provable fact.

I would first state my credentials, since my opinion is only of value in so far as those are valid. In 1886, being at that time a materialist, I was induced to examine psychic phenomena. In 1887 I wrote a signed article in "Light" upon the question. From that time I have never ceased to keep in touch with the matter by reading and occasional experiment. My conversion to the full meaning of spiritualism was a very gradual one, but by the war time it was complete. In 1916 I gave a lecture upon the subject, and found that it gave strength and comfort to others. I therefore determined to devote all my time to it, and so in the last ten years I have concentrated upon it, testing very many mediums, good and bad, studying the extensive literature, keeping in close touch with current psychic research, and incidentally writing seven books upon the subject. It is not possible that any living man can have had a much larger experience. When I add that I am a Doctor of medicine, specially trained in observation, and that as a public of affairs I have never shown myself to be wild or unreasonable, I hope I have persuaded you that my opinion should have some weight as compared with those opponents whose contempt for the subject has been so great that it has prevented them from giving calm consideration to the facts.

When the heavy hand of the mediæval church had ceased to throttle man's mental activities, there set in a fierce reaction against all that had been taught. In this reaction much that was good was swept away as well as much that was questionable. Not only did many unreasonable dogmas and ceremonies suffer, but the very idea of invisible beings, communicating with or taking an interest...


The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

The idea of a meaningless universe, however, is in itself a highly creative imaginative act. Animals, for example, could not imagine such an idiocy, so that the theory shows the incredible accomplishment of an obviously ordered mind and intellect that can imagine itself to be the result of nonorder, or chaos - [you have] a creature who is capable of mapping its own brain, imagining that the brain’s fantastic regulated order could emerge from a reality that itself has no meaning. Indeed, then, the theory actually says that the ordered universe magically emerged - and evolutionists must certainly believe in a God of Chance somewhere, or in Coincidence with a capital C, for their theories would make no sense at all otherwise. The world of the imagination is indeed your contact with your own source. Its characteristics are the closest to those in your dreamworld that you can presently encounter.

Session 829, Pages 141-142

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Iraq War Casualties

These photos show the tip of the iceberg of the suffering of both Americans and Iraqis in the Iraq war. This is considered collateral damage in a $20 trillion oil heist of the #2 oil reserves on the planet, callously masquerading as a compassionate regime change. The occupation and slaughter carries on without an official reason now that Saddam is captured. That the Iraqis resist occupation now seems justification enough for Bush. It may sound strange, but to Bush, the following images are erotically stimulating. Note I am not saying who in particular caused any of these injuries, just that this is the sort of suffering happening to both sides as the result of the war.