Friday, July 18, 2008

Claudia Olivos - Janis Joplin


At 11:46 PM, Anonymous ellwort said...

Thanks, Alice, for the live "Summertime." I'm not convinced, though, that Hendrix is either of the guitars on that - pretty sure that's the usual Big Brother & the Holding Company guys - Sam Andrew and James Gurley. Regarding the Cheap Thrill album's version of "Summertime," and extant website says this:
"Guitar Player magazine recently listed James' and Sam's work on "Summertime" as one of the top ten Psychedelic solos."

Cool live version, even without Hendrix (imagine Hendrix & Joplin on the stage together!)

Q: How come I can paste to your blog and not to treebu's LP?

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Alice said...

Oh yeah..

On March 6, 1970, surrealist artist Salvador Dalí was behaving very eccentrically on a show with silent screen star Lillian Gish and baseball legend Satchel Paige (Dalí carried an anteater on a leash in with him when he came on stage, and he tossed it in Gish's lap, much to her consternation). At one point Cavett asked him why he had once arrived to give a lecture at the Sorbonne in an open limo filled with heads of cauliflower. Dalí responded with a barely coherent discourse regarding the similarity of the cauliflower head to the "mathematical problem discovered by Michelangelo in the rhinoceros' horn"! Cavett interrupted him by waving his hands in Dalí's face and exclaiming "Boogie boogie boogie!" just as his hero Groucho Marx did in A Night at the Opera. The audience broke up, and Dalí appeared at a loss. A female viewer in a Washington, D.C. hospital bed reportedly had to have her stitches partially resewn from laughing so hard.

Damn I wish I could find this for you...


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Alice said...

-How come I can paste to your blog and not to treebu's LP?-

I'm not sure why you can here and not there...will let you know if I find an answer.


Hope youse two are having a great day...

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous ellwort said...

Yeah - it's brilliant, and I'd forgotten it was Lillian Gish (I had not quite yet learned who she was), but the Wiki summary's tone is a little different from the way I remember it. After, yes, the question about the cauliflower limousine, Dali, in his very thick (deliberately unidentifiable) accent, launched into a fascinating and very animated discourse insisting on a divine connection among cauliflower, butterflies, and the rhinoceros horn. He was consciously goofing Cavett, I think: his word cannonade became increasingly contentious-sounding and in Cavett's face. When Dali paused for a response after making a point, the overwhelmed Cavett improvised his Groucho imitation in response - crinkling his fingers next to his (own) face and saying, "Hoogie Boogie!" without looking away from Dali's glare. Everybody totally lost it into hysterics, and Dali himself broke into genuine laughter too, released from the role he had constructed for himself. After that, he drew a picture on newspaper stock to help explain what he meant - a depiction of one of those fast-exposure photo waterdrop images - and he signed it and gave it to Cavett.

Thanks. My words don't do justice to the whole picture - wish you could see it. WIsh I could see it too.
Dang! I may have to go (again!) to the depths of the underworld to find THIS now.


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