Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Deer checks in, checks out of school library

Havelock News
Whetherit was to do research or check out the latest Dr. Seuss book, a deerbroke through a back-door window and into the library at Graham A.Barden Elementary School Tuesday morning.
Custodian Kelvin Becton discovered the broken window in the libraryaround 6:50 a.m. Assistant principal Christine Covert called Havelockpolice thinking that someone had broken into the school.
As Becton went to close the front door to the library, he happenedto see the back end of a small deer that was perhaps 3 1/2-feet tallrun into the library office.
“He said he didn’t see the deer’s head,” Covert said of Becton. “He saw the back of it, and he was a small.”
In a few minutes, the deer checked out of the library, running out the same way it had come in.
“The door opens into a little garden area the students maintain forvegetables,” Covert said. “We also have an acorn tree out there, and itis pretty obvious that he was interested in the acorns.”
The deer’s collision with the door sent glass flying about 30 feet into the library.
“I’ve looked real closely at the glass,” Principal Joan Bjork said.“We don’t see any blood or anything on the glass. Other than having abad headache, I think he’s going to be OK.”
The only damage was to the glass pane at the bottom of the doorway.There appeared to be no damage to anything in the library. Caution tapesealed off most of the library to students at the school.
“We were afraid he was going to tear up the books, but he didn’t,” Covert said.
Not surprisingly, administrators plan to use the incident to educate students.
“We’re going to use this as a way of teaching children about deerand the loss of habitat and the impact that humans have on wildlife,”Covert said.


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