Sunday, August 28, 2005

Red Cloud Speaks by Estelle Roberts

I have worked with Red Cloud for nearly fifteen years, and during that time he has toiled unceasingly to demonstrate eternal spirit truth. He has never told us who he was on earth. When asked, he has always answered: "Know me by my works." We know that he passed this way before us, when he probably dwelt in Egypt. We believe, too, that he was either in this world, or very near to it, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth. Once or twice he has tantalized us into believing ourselves to be on the verge of discovering only to find the answer has again been denied us.

We know that his identity as a Red Indian is a cloak which is assumed in order to make receptive by us the very high vibrations that are naturally his because of his advanced spiritual attainment. He says he long ago reached the point in his evolution from which, had he gone on, there would have been no returning to this world. The choice was his - to go on, or to remain as a guide and teacher to mankind, bringing peace of mind and understanding of divine truths. He chose the latter course, explaining to us: "As your elder brother, which I am, your sorrows are my sorrows, your joys are my joys. When you fall back, I fall back with you. When you go forward, I go forward, too."

Always Red Cloud is loving and kind. I have never known him to condemn harshly any living person, though he will frequently gently point out our errors. He is ever ready to answer our questions, though not always as directly as some sitters could have wished. He is never dogmatic. In discussion and argument, he is tolerant, never laying down the law, and forever reminding his hearers that the final decision is theirs to make. God has given man a will of his own, he says, and man alone must exercise it.


As God dwells within each one of us, every individual is part of the Whole which is God. And because we are all part of the Infinite Spirit of God, we cannot die.

The gradual unfolding of the consciousness of the Mind of God within us is the process of evolution of our souls. In order to find God we must be "born again" into the realization that we are spiritual beings, and into the acceptance of our personal responsibility for every action we commit. Thus the extent of our evolution depends entirely upon ourselves. As we desire, so we shall receive.

The universe is ordered by divine law. If we follow this law, it will lead to perfect harmony; if we go against it, the result is chaos. The first law is that of love. Love is the ability to see only latent perfection in our fellowmen. Love is the attribute of the Divine mind, whereas fear stems from the material mind. Love and fear are the two incompatible opposites, the one forever striving to cast out the other.

Love is the complete negation of self; self-interest is the father of fear. The natural expression of love is service to others, not so much in the performance of great works as in doing that which lies nearest to hand.


"to understand love in its fullness, is to understand god in simplicity.'


"to know god is to love your fellowmen; to worship god is to serve them; to believe in god is to succour them; and to see god is to bring peace amongst nations."



At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true, to bad only a few can understand and follow these words, reds, whites, yellows, and browns. In todays world chaos rules and those of us who really love just wait around to be called home.

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the material world takes away our focus from our true selves,but as the material cannot last, love and light will always shine,fear not we are guided by greater forces than the meterial could ever comprehend,fear is the greatest cancer of the world today,release your fears to that which guides you and you will see your fears are an illusion created by yourself and the life we create

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Alice said...

Thanks for the lovely comments...

At 4:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can sometimes be so difficult to remember that we are each part of God. How long has it taken all of those who read this to realise that God is not a distant figure sitting on a cloud, but a powerful presence that flows within us and all around us. Religious teachings can place a distance between human beings and God, to serve a religions method of worship. God is inside us and all around us. We can directly link to God without needing a priest to act on our behaf. Love is the power behind all things, God is Love, God is the Source, there is no judjment or condemnation, only unfailing, unconditional Love given freely to each of us.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Alice said...

-no judjment or condemnation, only unfailing, unconditional Love given freely to each -


All Good Things,


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