Saturday, January 01, 2005

Creative Mind and Success by Ernest Holmes

Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere. This mental atmosphere is the direct result of thought which in its turn becomes the direct reason for the cause of that which comes into our lives. Through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and we attract to us just what we are in mind.


The Quimby Manuscripts [ed.] by Horatio W. Dresser

I make war with what comes in contact
with wealth and happiness, believing that God
made everything good and that if there is any
thing wrong it is the effect of ourselves.

Man's happiness is in himself.
What we believe, that we create
But this is a truth:
A belief may be changed.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby-A Parable, 1861


Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Mahatma Letters HPB/KH

The causes assigned to phenomena by the Mahatmas, he says, are natural, sensible, supernatural, unintelligible, and unknown. The God of the theologians is simply an imaginary power, that has never yet manifested itself to human perception. The cause posited by the Adept is that power whose activities we behold in every phenomenon in the universe. They are pantheists, never agnostics. The Deity they envisage is everywhere present, as well in matter as elsewhere.

"In other words we believe in Matter alone, in matter as visible nature and matter in its invisibility as the invisible omnipresent omnipotent Proteus with its unceasing motion which is its life, and which nature draws from herself, since she is the great whole outside of which nothing can exist. . . . The existence of matter, then, is a fact; the existence of motion is another fact, their self-existence and eternity or indestructibility is a third fact. And the idea of pure Spirit as a Being or an Existence---give it whatever name you will---is a chimera, a gigantic absurdity."

Furthermore, says K.H., your conceptions of an all-wise Cosmic Mind or Being runs afoul of sound logic on another count. You claim, he says, that the life and being of this God pervades and animates all the universe. But even your own science predicates of the cosmic material ether that it, too, already permeates all the ranges of being in nature. You are thus putting two distinct pervading essences in the universe. You are postulating two primordial substances, two basic elemental essences, where but one can be. Why posit an imaginary substrate when you already have a concrete one? Find your God in the material you are sure is there; do not forge a fiction and put it outside of real existence to account for that existence. Why constitute a false God when you have a real Universe?

There is an illimitable Force in the universe, but even this Force is not God, since man may learn to bend it to his will. It is simply the visible and objective expression of the absolute substance in its invisible and subjective form.

From this strict and inexorable materialism K.H. seems to relent a moment when he says to Mr. Hume:

"I do not protest at all, as you seem to think, against your theism, or a belief in abstract ideal of some kind, but I cannot help asking you, how do you or can you know that your God is all-wise, omnipotent and love-ful, when everything in nature, physical and moral, proves such a being, if he does exist, to be quite the reverse of all you say of him? Strange delusion and one which seems to overpower your very intellect!"

The intricate problem, then, of how the blind and unintelligent forces of matter in motion do breed and have bred "highly intelligent beings like ourselves" "is covered by the eternal progression of cycles, and the process of evolution ever perfecting its work as it goes along." Intelligence lies somehow in the womb of matter, and evolution brings it to birth. Matter and spirit, we must constantly be reminded, are but the two polar aspects of the One Substance.


They sum up the whole evidence by stating that there is a very strong, general presumption that all the marvellous narratives put forward in evidence of the existence and occult power of the Mahatmas are to be explained as due either to deliberate deception, carried out by, or at the instigation of Madame Blavatsky, or to spontaneous illusion or hallucination, or unconscious misrepresentation or invention on the part of the witnesses. They conclude their report with these words: “For our own part, we regard her neither as the mouthpiece of hidden seers nor as a mere vulgar adventuress; we think that she has achieved a title to permanent remembrance, as one of the most accomplished, ingenious, and interesting impostors in history.”


Vibration the Law of Life by W.H. Williams

Like the ebb and flow of tides, great extremes of agony and despair are naturally followed by the ecstacies of hope and exaltation. As the pendulum of a clock sways to and fro from one extreme to the other of its arc, so the emotions of man vibrate from the slough to the mount. When in the slough darkness and despair has crept over him because of low vibrations; when upon the mount he has caught glimpses because of intensified vibrations. Thus man has been at the mercy of his environments. They have played upon his feelings and roused him to great intensity and also caused him to fall into extreme depression.

"Compliance with the law enables a main to maintain equilibrium. Man has polarity upward and downward which has its nodes of vibration in the solar plexus. Your lungs are well under the control of your will and the way is cleared and prepared for you to apply motion to your entire physical organization. You start motion by expanding and contracting the lungs, and by rapid breathing, its waves are sent flowing or rippling up and down along the lines of least resistance, and when these channels are full it overflows and is forced waving and rippling all through and through your entire organism, touching every atom, every cell of your being, adjusting every atom and cell in its individual and organic polarity, and polarizing the whole around your conscious will. By filling and crowding your organism with motion, the vibrations rise higher and higher and are converted into heat, chemic force, electricity, magnetism, etc., and radiate in light, color and sound."


As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

Effect of Thought on Circumstances
A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; it must, and it will, bring forth


On Health and The Body

There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body: there is no comforter to compare with good will for dispersing the shadows of grief and sorrow.

To live continually in thoughts of ill-will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prisonhole.

But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all-such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of "heaven"; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace towards every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.

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The Divine Providence by Emanuel Swedenborg

It is known that man was created into God's image, after God's likeness (Gen. i. 26). It shall now be told what the "image" and what the "likeness" of God is. God alone is love and wisdom. Man was created to be a receptacle of both, that his will might be a receptacle of the Divine love and his understanding a receptacle of the Divine wisdom.


Pragmatic Mysticism by Mildred Mann

As metaphysicians, we know that faith is directed belief.
Remember, what you think upon, grows.
-Lectures 1-4

The greatest difficulty with humanity is that people sit and bemoan their fate. They tell you and the rest of the world how terribly they are treated. The more they do that the more they impress the subconsciouss mind , which we have learned is completely unreasoning, and will reproduce whatever it's told. And so they get a little more sickness, a little more trouble, a little more heartbreak. And if they are religiously inclined, they say, "It is God's will".
It is a wise thing to bless the money you spend, and to know it will com back to you multiplied.
-Lectures 5-8

Fear is the father of every ailment that has ever or will ever exist.

Early danger signals erupt in the guise of selfishness, envy, hatred, and criticism. They can be uprooted if you cath them in time, and every time they spring up.
-Lectures 9-12


Reincarnation by Papus

Reincarnation and Religion
We have seen in the preceding chapters that reincarnation was among the secret teachings in all of the temples of antiquity. Presented originally as a part of the initiation into the great mysteries of ancient Egypt, this revelation has now passed to all mystical religions. We find it repeatedly among the classic authors, of whom we have given numerous examples, and we find it repeatedly in Buddhism.

The relatively modern study of writings from India has altered ideas about the fabulous antiquity of the Indian alphabet. The works of Philippe Berger and other sages, who only go back to about 500 years before Jesus Christ, that being the time of the Buddha. According to the Academy of Grammarians the Sanskrit alphabet, that is to say the alphabet of Thebah, was in use during the time of Gautama the Buddha, a Brahman initiate who left his father's palace -- the center of initiation -- to offer part of the mysteries to the profane world.

We should not imagine, however that the Buddhist religion is the creator of this idea of reincarnation. Rather Buddha, at considerable sacrifice in service to humanity, was the one to reveal this to the common people.

Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse a.k.a. Papus also wrote "The Tarot of the Bohemians", 1914

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