Report: Public Libraries & the Internet
"The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that researchers at Florida State University will be able to continue studying Internet use patterns at public libraries for at least 3 more years. A grant to the university's College of Information from the ALA will help to continue it's biennial surveys on the costs and benefits of Internet connectivity.
Here's The Report
The 2006 national study presents findings from both a national survey and
case sites. The national survey provides longitudinal data regarding public library Internet connectivity and public access computing services and resources, but also explores the impacts and benefits that communities derive from public library connectivity. The case sites focused primarily on successfully networked public libraries and the issues, solutions, and approaches that these libraries faced and resolved in order to develop sustainable and high quality public access computing and Internet services.Public Libraries and the Internet 2006: Study Results and Findings (1.16 MB)
By John Carlo Bertot, Charles R. McClure, Paul T. Jaeger, & Ryan J. (Sep 2006)
For: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The American Library AssociationThe 2006 report is also available in sections.
- Table of Contents (205 KB)
- Title Page, Executive Summary, and Acknowledgements (288 KB)
- Introduction and Methodology (288 KB)
- Relating Survey Findings to Case Study Findings (288 KB)
- Study Conclusions: Impacts, Issues, and Possible Future Steps for Public Access Computing (288 KB)
- Data Analysis and Major findings (288 KB)
- National Branch Level Findings / Figures 2 - 15 ( 229 KB)
- National System Level Findings / Figures 16 - 23 (216 KB)
- State Branch Level Findings / Figures 24 - 35 (320 KB)
- State System Level Findings / Figures 36 - 41 (281 KB)
- Qualitative Survey Data Findings (212 KB)
- Successfully Networked Public Libraries (300 KB)
- Appendices
- Table of Contents (584 KB)
- Appendix 1: Survey Instrument (591 KB)
- Appendix 2: Successfully Networked Public Libraries Visited (584 KB)
- Appendix 3: Case Study Approach and Method (584 KB)
- Appendix 3-A: State Library One Page Project Briefing (584 KB)
- Appendix 3-B: Sample E-mail Note to Site Visit Participants (584 KB)
- Appendix 3-C: Basic Public Library Interview Script and Brief Survey (161 KB)
- Appendix 4: Introduction to SNPL Checklist, Catalog & Summary (484 KB)
- Appendix 4-A: 2006 SNPL Checklist (484 KB)
- Appendix 4-B: 2006 Successfully Networked Public Libraries Catalog (483 KB)
- Appendix 4-C: 2006 Summary of Public Library IT & Network Services (484 KB)
- Appendix 5: Types of Within Library Use of Network Services (484 KB)
- Appendix 6: State Library Supported Electronic Libraries (484 KB)
- Appendix 7: State Library Supported Virtual Reference Services (484 KB)
- Appendix 8: State Library & System Role in SNPL Development (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-A: Examples of State Library Discounted Technology Procurement Initiatives (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-B: Examples of State Library Union Catalogs (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-C: Examples of State Library Statewide Interlibrary Loan (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-D: Examples of State Library Federated Search Sites (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-E: Examples of State Library Digital Collections (484 KB)
- Appendix 8-F: Examples of State Library State Government Information Sites (484 KB)
- Appendix 9: State Library Roles (484 KB)
- Appendix 10: Alternative Measures for Assessing SNPL Value (484 KB)
There are also two specialized reports thus far regarding the 2006 Public Libraries and the Internet study. These reflect developments in wireless Internet access provided by public libraries as well as the significant roles and contributions public libraries played during the 2004-2005 hurricane seasons in the Gulf States.
- 2004
This report presents national and state data from the 2004 Public Libraries and Networked Information Services survey funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Library Association. A primary goal of the study was to provide the library community with current information that describes public library activities in the networked environment. The report summarizes findings at the library outlet and system level for all questions on the survey.

Public Libraries and the Internet 2006: A Special Report on Wireless Access (67 KB)
By John C. Bertot, Charles R. McClure, Paul T. Jaeger, & Lesley Langa. (May 2006)
For: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The American Library Association

Public Libraries and the Internet 2006: A Special Report on Public Libraries and the 2006 Hurricanes (84 KB)
By John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Charles R. McClure, & Lesley Langa. (May 2006)
For: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The American Library Association
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