South Central Farm Re-occupied and Bulldozed. 10 Arrested.

A protester attempts to place a flag in the exhaust of a bulldozer at the South Central Farm in Los Angeles, Calif., Wednesday, July 5, 2006. Workers began bulldozing a 14-acre urban garden Wednesday, and 10 protesters were arrested as they tried to stop the demolition.
Ten people were arrested Wednesday at the now-defunct South Central Farm as protesters tried to prevent bulldozers from plowing over the 14-acre urban garden.
Two protesters -- including one who had chained himself to a bulldozer -- were arrested this morning as heavy equipment began moving onto the land near 41st Street and Alameda.
Eight more people were arrested around 1 p.m. after they allegedly rushed one of the bulldozers. They were all arrested on suspicion of felony vandalism, and some are suspected of battery on a bulldozer driver and a police officer, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.
Farmers and their supporters have been gathering at the South Central Farm for weeks, but they were evicted last month as sheriff's deputies moved in to enforce a court order.
Forty-four people, including actress Daryl Hannah, were arrested that day.
The land has been tied up in litigation since the 1980s, when the city used its power of eminent domain to buy it from developer Ralph Horowitz to build a trash incinerator. The incinerator was never built, and after the 1992 riots, the city loaned the land to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank to create a community garden.
In 1994, the property was sold to the Harbor Department as part of the process of acquiring land for the Alameda Corridor rail project.
Horowitz sued over that sale, and the city eventually agreed to sell the 14 acres back to him for $5 million.
As support for maintaining the farm grew, Horowitz offered to sell the property for $16 million. But when activists were unable to come up with the money and continued to press him to abandon the property, he changed his mind.
Horowitz told reporters last month he would not sell the land to the farmers for any amount of money.
"Even if they raised 100 million dollars, this group could not buy this property," Horowitz said. "It's not about money. It's about I don't like their cause and I don't like their conduct. So there's no price I would sell it to them for."
He also said he did not appreciate being portrayed as a villain.
"Where (does) this kind of `you-owe-me' mentality end?" he asked.
A Superior Court judge is scheduled to hear arguments next week in a lawsuit questioning whether the city's sale of the property to Horowitz was legal.
Approximately eight supporters of the South Central Urban Garden are detained by Los Angeles Police officers and wait to be led into a police van Wednesday, July 5, 2006, in South Los Angeles. The demonstrators were apprehended after rushing a bulldozer that was knocking down plants and fences at the 14-acre mini-farm.
Supporters of the South Central Urban Garden rush after a bulldozer to stop it Wednesday, July 5, 2006, in south Los Angeles. Eight protesters have been arrested after rushing a bulldozer that was knocking down plants and fences at a 14-acre mini-farm in the heart of Los Angeles.
South Central Farm Invaded Again!
by michael kozart
Wednesday Jul 5th, 2006 12:04 PM
Bulldozers and LAPD have re-entered the farm. Solidarity and support needed.
Below is the text of the Alert that appeared on LA Indymedia this morning. Basically, the bulldozers have returned. Supported by the LAPD, the private developer Horowitz seems to be intent on completely destroying the farm to make way for new warehouses. All this despite the fact that Horowitz is due back in court on July 12 to face a law suit questioning the legality of the sale of the farm to him. Supporters are needed down at the farm now.
South Central Farmers' Supporter locks down on bulldozer and halts it! Fire department is attempting to remove him.
Los Angeles – This morning shortly before 7:00am, bulldozers were unloaded on site at the Farm and began to destroy the 14-acre farm. They are on site right now with LAPD escorts. Dozens of supporters are at the Farm and on route to the Farm to hopefully prevent the eradication of the site.
On June 13, 2006 the City of Los Angeles witnessed and participated in the early morning raid to evict the South Central Farmers and their supporters who had set up an encampment taking a principled stand. Following the eviction, a 24 hour vigil was set up and has been held with dozens of supporters and farmers being present nightly. The community has remained together keeping strong after the shock of being evicted from the Farm.
This morning’s attack on the Farm seems callous as efforts to negotiate a deal with developer Raph Horowitz had been continuing. However he has not been receptive. Tezozomoc, a spokesperson for the South Central Farmers stated, “We feel this is anact of aggression andis another blow to a community that is already suffering. The Farmers have been watching their crops die for the past few weeks as we have been trying to bring Horowitz to the negotiating table, again. He has refused mediation. This is pushing the knife in further into the heart of Los Angeles and especially this impoverished community in South Central.” On July 12, 2006 the South Central Farmers’ lawsuit that was initially filed in 2003 against the City of Los Angeles and Ralph Horowitz to review the integrity of the sale of the 14 acre site is scheduled to be heard. The bulldozing of the Farm this morning is a destructive and oppressive act against a community who have been walking with hope that something can positive could have still been resolved in fairness to Mr. Horowitz and the community around the Farm.
People are encourage to call Jan Perry (213)-473-7009 or email councilmember.perry@lacityorg She has the power to stop Horowitz and we must pressure her to do it.
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