How can we stop all this crazyness, Ajax?

christ, who knows, we're deep in the grip
of these fascist pricks and getting their
claws out is going to be no easy task.
I would say the first step is to become
awakened to the situation we are in
and to become aware of the brain washing
you are subject to everytime you turn on
a TV set.
When I say fascist media proganda brothels
I'm not trying to be cute, it's the truth,
they're everywhere, on every channel and
they try to scrub your brain clean 24/7.
Accept a few basic truths and be aware of them
in you daily life:
1) Truth and the knowing of it is good.
2) There are those who wish you to be their
slaves to satisfy their greed for riches
and power.
3) To question authority is the duty of
a thinking person.
4) Do not allow newspeak to define your view
of the world, death is death, suffering is
suffering, those trying to destroy your
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
are doing just that regardless of the
newspeak they try to use to convince you
Trust in well founded examples of good and evil,
good is kind, generous and empathatic to others
evil is cruel, greedy and uncaring, regardless
of what it says or what names it gives its
Choose good and know what is evil.
5) The enlightened person walks in today's
world very much alone, be brave and
walk enlightened in this world around you
because it's the Cool Hand Luke
thing to do.
Posted by: Ajax at July 24, 2006 08:43 PM
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