Friday, March 17, 2006

The Really Really Free Market

Dolores Park, San Francisco

The Last Saturday Of Every Month 12 Noon to 4pm

Have you ever picked up something you found on the sidewalk? Or saved your neighbor from throwing away something useful?

A Really Really Free Market is like a potluck for whatever you want to give or take away. Have you ever brought one dish to a potluck and gone away with a full belly and a balanced meal? Everybody brings something and goes away with more.

We all have skills, ideas, objects, smiles, talents, friendship, excitement, discussions, and many other things to share. If we bring them all together at the Really Really Free Market, we can provide more balanced and full lives for everyone.

As a community we have many more resources than we do as individuals. If we share our resources we won't need to buy as many new ones. This uses fewer of the Earth's resources, and fewer of our working hours, leaving us more time to devote to ourselves and our communities.

Would we all work forty hours a week at one job if we didn't feel we had to? What if instead we worked at improving our individual skills and talents and shared them with each other? We would all spend more time doing things we enjoyed.

The Really Really Free Market is an attempt to put these ideas into practice for four hours every month.

Please help us keep the Really Really Free Market a 100% FREE and non-commercial event. Once a month, let's come together and forget about trading, bartering and money. Leave the business cards at home and remember the joy of giving for the sake of giving.

Help us keep Dolores Park clean. If no one takes what you brought, please bring it home with you.


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