Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Spiritual Proofs of Another Life by Rose Levere

Fearless that this book will fail to at least interest the intelligent reading public, I present it as one of the most remarkable and unique literary compilations ever given to the world.

The essays herein are by persons of historical distinction, who, many of them, having passed on in former decades of time to the Great Boyond, now come back in soirit and independently write them.

The letters were given in my own room under conditions and circumstances which to me established beyond all peradventure the identity of the writers and the genuineness of the writings. But they hold inherent qualitites which shows this. The choice of themes, the style, the diction, the character of expression so peculiar to each writer, and so impossible of successful imitation,will at once appeal to the intelligence of every reader endowed with ordinary literary genius. It will be observed that no letter herein printed is a reproduction of any given during the mortal life of its author.

With love and kind regard to all whose hands this book shall fall, I dedicate it as a pronouncedly affirmative answer to the question asked in all ages - "If a man die shall he live again?"



The Crucifixtion of the Nazarene by Pontius Pilate (Translated and Transcribed by William T. Stead)

Various translations of the event of the great crucifixtion have lost to it its real colors. You are told in the King James version that Simon carried the cross of Jesus. This was not possible. It was too great weight and too cumbersome. The cross was borne by Simon and his two strong sons, Alexander and Rufus. Jesus was not raised and pinioned to the cross. It was laid upon the ground and he was laid upon it and nailed thereto, and it wsa raised and secured in a standing position. The death of Jesus was not the simple result of crucifixtion; that method of punishment was usual in that day, and it was well known that persons so hung upon the cross livde three days even longer. Jesus was a young man of strength and vigor, and could hardly have expired in the brief period of six hours.

The cricified died under lingering processes of exhaustion and faintness. A few minutes before his death Jesus cried out with a loud voice. The sudden termination of his sufferings was not due to any injury to the brain, lung or vital organ except the arrestment of the heart action by syncope, or a rupture of the walls of the heart, His loud cry and other exclamations showed his was not the case of fainting, or stopping of the heart action by sncope.

Jesus succumbed to the death by rupture of the walls of the heart. The time of death is regulated by the size of the ruptured opening. In his case it was brief in consequence of the blood escaping from the interior of the heart into the pericardium, three or four pounds of blood having accumulated within it, separated into red-clot and serum, or blood and water.

Post-mortem examinations were not permitted in those days, but a virtual post-mortem examination in crude form was possible in the case of Jesus through the gash made in his side by the thrust of the Roman soldier's spear; in fact, so large that the apostle Thomas was enabled to place his hand, not his finger, in the opening. This he did as examination and not from doubt, as is wrongly recorded at the appearance of Jesus in materialized form.

As a result of that piercing was the flow of blood and water seen by apostle John. Nothing could have produced this but the collection of blood in the pericardium resulting from rupture of the heart-this crossamentum and serum. Severe mental emotions sometimes produce rupture of the walls of the heart.

No victim offered a more striking example of agony and suffering than Jesus, scourged as he was and forsaken by those he believed were his friends, under wrongful accusations. Remember the scriptural words:

"Reproach hath broken my heart!
My heart is like wax!"

Jesus was slain not by the effects of the pain of his body, but by greater anguish in his mind.

He died of a broken heart.


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