Sunday, May 01, 2005

Life's Progression by Edward C. Randall

Lessons From Experience

I think, that possibly, more comprehensive knowledge of the first conditions in the after life has come to us from our mission work than from any other source. We are better able to comprehend the actual situation here than life in the more advanced spheres. Perhaps I can convey a better idea by describing a few actual experiences.

I recall one of the early cases in which I gave help. In my own city there lived a man who commenced life with only his hands to aid his work. By saving and great self-denial, he accumulated a large fortune. He loved money and his only thought was to make it. He was honest, held a position of trust in the financial world, and passed out in advanced years, honored among them. I knew this man well, and some years afterward he was brought into our working room for help. He was on the verge of awaking and needed material vibrations to make him appreciate his condition and be brought to a realizing sense. At first he did not even know where he was. This spirit, accustomed to command found himself imprisoned within a wall of money, as it appeared to him. It was cold and dark; the chill of death was in his soul; he could not understand what had happened, why he was in that situation, thought five years had elapsed since he left his earthly habitation. He begged for help, said he had not seen a ray of light for years., and cried that it was cold, so cold. We explained the change that had taken place, cautiously, so that he would not be startled and lose the material necessary for producing voice. At the suggestion of those in spirit, who were working with me, I told him to look once more for light. He saw just a point.

"It is coming" he said, "It is a barren highway without life."

"Look again," I said. "Yes," he replied, "I now see signboard on both sides, as far as my eyes can reach."

"Can you read them?" I asked. "The first only," he answered, "and there are many."

"How do they read?"

He replied, "I can only read the first one and it says 'Charity'".

Then I understood his condition, -- his had been a selfish life, -- and the lesson intended, as I told him to go with those who were coming and to practice 'Charity', that when he should come truly to appreciate its meaning from experience, he would be able to read the second sign. I told him too that this would go on sign after sign, one by one, year by year, until that barron highway should someday lead him to happiness.



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